"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." ~ Louisa May Alcott Welcome to the unveiling of my 2017 intention! I know you have all been waiting patiently while I figured out what it would be. I was waiting patiently too, for the inspiration. Last night I came across this quote, and it just clicked.
So this year's intention is : ASPIRE. I hope to be able to:
Acknowledge my aspirations
Share my aspirations with others
Pursue a purposeful path in following my aspirations
Inspire others to aspire
Respect others' aspirations
Eliminate ego from my aspirations
I will be sharing my aspirations in future posts and writing about how this intention is being fulfilled as we travel through the year. Here we go....