Shannon Kaiser

Did You Have A Good Year?

It's December. It's almost the end of the year. Now is the time to look back at the year and evaluate where we are, how we got there, and to start thinking about what's coming up in the next year. However, some people get stuck in what didn't happen, how they didn't reach their goals, make enough money or make an impact. Shannon Kaiser wrote a great piece, "20 Signs You Had a Good Year (Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It)" for MindBodyGreen that can help shift the focus from what may not have happened to all of the great changes and progress you've made this year. Here are a couple of my favorites:

~ You're capable of celebrating how far you've come.  

~ You enjoy spending time with yourself. You're working on becoming your own best friend.

~ You can appreciate the moment. You're more patient than you used to be.

~ You believe in your future self and are proud of the direction you are heading in.

~ You know your dreams matter and the world needs what you have to offer.

I encourage you to read the entire post and make your own evaluation of 2015. There's a lot to look forward to in 2016, too!  I want to help you find the right path. Please be in touch with me for more insight into how we can work together,

Happy Holidays!