It's Spring! And it's time for your checkup. Your organizational checkup. Time for a peek under the hood to assess how healthy it is. Here we go...
First, do you have a good CEO/Board Chair relationship? Joan Garry believes that this is the single most important sign of organizational health. Do you both understand your roles? Are you partners in your strategic analysis of the organization?
Does your organization have a strong strategic plan? It doesn't have to be a written plan. It doesn't have to be "fancy." But strategy does need to be a vital part of what the Board develops and oversees.
Is there a culture of philanthropy? Does everyone in the organization- Board, staff, volunteers, stakeholders- participate in supporting the organization through fundraising and telling the story of your organization's impact?
Speaking of storytelling, does everyone in the organization know how to articulate the mission, vision and values? By doing this, they can communicate your organization's impact in transformative ways.
Is your staff motivated and engaged? Are they working well as a team and as individuals? Are they happy?
Finally, do you have sustainability and succession plans in place? Creating a sustainable future involves setting both short and long-term goals and diversification of resources. It also includes leadership cultivation, which is why a succession plan is essential.
Asking yourself these questions, and being honest about where you might need some improvement, is the key to your organizational health. Start now!
Please be in touch with me at for help with making your organization the healthiest it can be!