Trouble in Paradise

Houston, we have a problem. According to a recent survey by the Concord Leadership Group, most nonprofits are ill-equipped to face their futures. From the Nonprofit Sector Leadership Report representing 1000 organizations, here are some sobering stats:

  • Only half of the board members responding say their organization has a strategic plan (formal or informal) in place
  • 77% of the organizations participating in the survey do not have a leadership transition plan, or any succession plans at all
  • 61% of the CEOs of these organizations do not receive an annual performance review


What does this mean for those of us working in the nonprofit space? Well, for one thing, there are serious ramifications when an organization operates without strategy. Strategy is a necessary response to the reality of limited resources and the fact of increased competition. How can we expect stakeholders to support organizations that don't articulate their mission, vision and values strategically?

As for leadership, most CEOs are coming to their organizations without the necessary skills and experience to do their jobs successfully. Many are surprised that fundraising is such an integral part of their responsibilities, and express concern that they are not "good at it." In addition, there's very little leadership development happening for EDs and CEOs, and they're not being evaluated on a regular basis, so it's hard to imagine that they feel confident about creating a sustainability within their organization.

The report is most definitely an eye-opener. You can download it here. And then get in touch with me at so I can help you build a strong future for your organization!