The age-old question of what nonprofit leaders can do to make their board members more productive has many possible answers. A recent study by accounting firm Marks Paneth reveals that more training would be beneficial in fostering more board involvement in governance and strategy. That's all fine and good, but most of the nonprofit leaders surveyed said limited time and cost are significant deterrents to providing this training. This is not news to anyone who knows about board development. The good news from the survey is that 73% of the leaders surveyed report that their boards have passion for the mission of the organization, and 61% said their board members are engaged but do not micromanage. Most of the leaders also report that their board members are closely involved in financial oversight and that attendance at board meetings is strong.
However, only 28% reported that their boards are highly strategic in supporting the organization's mission, and around the same percentage said that the board is involved in connecting the organization to external resources. These are not encouraging statistics.
I am committed to helping organizations succeed by engaging boards in a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities in supporting growth and instilling governance. If you are a board member or leader who wants to help their organization find its path, please be in touch with me at