What Does Seth Godin Have to Say About Intuition?

Hey! Seth Godin is writing about intuition! That's what people call successful decision making that happens without a narrative. Intuition isn't guessing. It's sophisticated pattern matching, honed over time. Don't dismiss intuition merely because it's difficult to understand. You can get better at it by practicing.

When I named my company Intuition Consulting, I had in mind exactly what Seth is writing about. I think what he means by practicing is "learning to listen." As in: learning to listen to the little (or not so little) voice inside your head, or the feeling in the pit of your stomach that is guiding you toward a decision or helping you recognize what is happening right in front of you.

You can get better at it by practicing. To learn more, please be in touch with me at ewoolfe@intuitionconsult.com.